5 Courses
After completing this course, the student will have a basic knowledge and understanding of the history, development, and theology of worship, specifically worship directed by The Book of Common Prayer. The student will learn the structure of Prayer Book services and basic procedures to use The Book of Common Prayer in public worship. The student will gain an appreciation for the orthodox editions of the Prayer Book and be able to identify theological aberrations found in the newer editions of alternative Anglican service books.
Diaconate Certificate Program
This course is intended as a first introduction to Anglo Catholic Theology. After completing this course, students should have a basic knowledge and understanding of many of the divisions of Anglican Dogmatic Theology: including Prolegomena, Authority, Theology Proper, Anthropology, and Hamartiology. Students will also have insight as to the differences between Western and Eastern approaches to theology and the differences between Catholic and Protestant approaches to theology, and to provide the student the theological tools to identify and discuss heretical writings and thought.
Diaconate Certificate Program
The course will study the major events, personalities and forces that shaped the Christian Church from the first centuries up to just before the Reformation period (pre 1500 A.D.) The material will be treated in two sections: the early Church to the Council of Chalcedon, and the medieval Church from Gregory I to just prior to the Reformation period.