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7 Courses

Catholic Theology
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Liturgical Theology 550
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Liturgical Theology 550

After completing this course, the student will have a basic knowledge and understanding of the history, development, and theology of worship, specifically worship directed by The Book of Common Prayer. The student will learn the structure of Prayer Book services and basic procedures to use The Book of Common Prayer in public worship. The student will gain an appreciation for the orthodox editions of the Prayer Book and be able to identify theological aberrations found in the newer editions of alternative Anglican service books.

AP 501: Anglican Apologetics
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Teacher: Jeremy Roseman

AP 501: Anglican Apologetics

In this course, students will be introduced to the basic definition of, and tenets of, Orthodox Anglicanism; second, to enable the student to compare and contrast Orthodox Anglicanism to Roman Catholicism, liberal Protestantism and Fundamentalism. 

Holy Orders of the Church 500
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Teacher: Christopher Little

Holy Orders of the Church 500

After completing this course, the student will have knowledge and understanding of the divine sanction and commission of the Succession of the Apostles; the student will have knowledge and understanding of Holy Orders  as that office and sacrament is understood from scriptural, historic, and theological vantage points, thereby gaining a deeper and more personal insight into his own vocational calling and the structure of the threefold ministry in which he is seeking to be ordained.  

Spiritual Formation of Clergy 520
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Teacher: Thomas Crowder

Spiritual Formation of Clergy 520

The goal of this course is to gain an understanding and knowledge of spiritual formation from a theological understanding of prayer and the life of prayer. The student will develop, to a greater degree, his own spiritual life; gain a deeper knowledge and communion with God through the development and practice of a Rule of Prayer; become better equipped to care for other souls in his priestly vocation.